



























Name (Webaddress)



Copyright (E-Mail)

S-Adress2.7- c 1994-96 by Stefan H�fner
S-Video3.4- c 1994-96 by Stefan H�fner
Saint Guide1.13- c 1995 by Torbj�rn Hansson
SampleCreator1.7- ?
Samplitude SMPTE Pro3.0- c 1992-96 by Titus Tost /SEK`D/MacroSystem
SAS/C6.57- c 1988-95 by SAS Institute. Inc.
SATPOS0.25a- c 1995 by Wolfgang Scholz
SayMore0.33- c 1995-96 by Kenton A. Groombridge
SBase4Pro1.30i- c 1994 by Oxxi Inc. / Amiga Oberland
SBFDPro1.30- c 1994 by Oxxi Inc. / Amiga Oberland
Scala-CD-Player1.5- c 1994-95 by Corporate Media OHG
ScalaInfoChannel51.27- c 1992-95 by Scala AS / VideoComp
ScalaInfoPlayer51.27- c 1992-95 by Scala AS / VideoComp
ScalaMM51.16- c 1992-94 by Scala AS / VideoComp
ScalaMMPlayer51.16- c 1992-94 by Scala AS / VideoComp
ScanCenter1.27- c 1994-96 by Uwe Konrad
SCANex1.0- c 1993 by A. Junghans / FEET-Computer System & Serv.GmbH
ScanLab100Release 1.2- c 1990 by ASDG. Inc.
ScanQuix3.0- c 1995 by Andreas G�nther
ScanTek2.9- c 95-96 by Waldemar Z�hner
SCDPlayer1.2- c 1995-96 by Juan J. Garc�a de Soria
Scenery Animatorv4.02- c 1993 by by Brett Casebolt / Natural Graphics
Scion_Genealogist4.09- 93-95 by Robbie J Akins
Scope2.3- c 1992-95 by Dirk Klein
Scout37.138 [Release 2.6]MUI c 1994-96 by Andreas Gelhausen
Scout's Shell Client37.2- c 1995 by Andreas Gelhausen
ScreenClock38.21- 95 by Thomas Igracki
SCSI-TESTERVersion 2.0- c 1992-93 by John Yeager - UNRegistered
SCSIdevs1.2- c 1994-95 by Gary Duncan
SCSIMounter2.04- c 1991-92 by Martin A. Blatter
ScsiSpeed4.2- c 1989-92 by Michael Sinz / MKSoft Development
SCSISwitch0.1- c 1995 by G�rard Cornu
SCSIUtil2.02- c 1993-94 by Gary Duncan
SCSI_Identifier1.2- c Richard Sellens
SCSI_List1.5- c 1995-96 by
SecureDelete42.1- c by Bruce Simpson
Selector5.2- -
SeqGen1.1- c 1996 by Marko Raina
SerialMouse2.21- Patrick van Beem
SetBuffers1.28- c 1995 by AUSTEX SOFTWARE
SetFunktionsManager1.14- c 95-96 H.-W.Schober
SetMClock1.21- ?
SetPatchMC7021.3- c 1996 Martin Berndt
setpatch43.4- c 1986-96 by Amiga Techn.Heinz Wrobel
SetPens1.14- c 1992-93 by Joseph Luk
sEXEHeader2.0- c 1995 by Soyeb Aswat/NKH Softw.
ShapeShifter3.7- c 93-96 Ch. Bauer
ShoveColors0.4- c 1994-95 by Chad Randall
ShowAnim5.40-02- c 1990-92 by SPARTA Inc.. Laguna Hills. Calif.
ShowDataPointer1.0- c 1995 by CYBORG
ShowDVI1.41- c 1990-95 by Georg He�mann
ShowGuide2.5- c 1993-95 by Mirko Lukas
ShowGuru4.0- c 1991-96 by Thomas Carstens
ShowObj2.2MUI 94-95 Andreas Heumann
ShuffleV1.1- c 1993 by Rob Eisenhuth
Siegfried AntiVirus Pro1.5- c 1994 by Siegfried Soft
Siegfried Copy1.9- c 1994 by Siegfried Soft. Vellmar
Silicon Menus1.0- c 1992 by Greg Cunningham
Simple MoreV1.3- c 1994-95 by Edgar M. Vigdal
Sleeper2.0- c 1994 by Ch. Dworzak
SLIPCall4.0 [37.51]- c 95 by Thomas Egrelius
SlowBoot1.23- c 1995 by Lee Kindness
SlowReset1.54- c 1995 by Marco Krause
SmartCopy1.4a- c 1994-95 by Rask Lambertsen
SmartWB1.03- c 1994 The Beet Research (Grzegorz Calkowski)
SMPlay1.5- ?
snma2.04- c 1993-95 by Samu Nuojua
SnoopDos3.0- c 1991-94 by Eddy Carroll (
SolitaireV1.13- c 1993 by Felix R. Jeske
SonicArranger2.18- c 1990-95 by Carsten Schlote / MEDIA Verlag GmbH
Sonnen-Information1.27- c 1993-94 by Axel D�rfler
SoundBox2.8b- c 1994-96 by Richard K�rber
SoundFX3.34- c 1994-96 by Stefan Kost
SoundMachine1.5- c 1993-94 by Legendary Design Technologies Inc.
SOX pl33- SOund eXchange - universal sound sample translator
SpeakEasyv1.0- c 1995 by John Corigliano
Spectrum Analyser1.9- c 1995 Dariusz J. "Thufor" Garbowski
Spectrum Emulatorv1.7- by Peter McGavin
spell1.5- c 1994-95 by Dietmar Eilert
SpondulixMark V- c 1995 by J. Pritchard
ST4AmigaV2.40- c 1992-96 by Stefan Haubenthal
STFax1.360- -
StackMon1.3- c 1993-94 David Kinder
StammbaumV 2.00- by aF (26.08.93) c 1993 by M�KRA Daten-Technik Berlin
StarAm Plan2.04- c 1994-95 by Thorsten Passow
StarBlank3.1- c 1993-94 by Brian Neal (Idea by Leo Schwab)
StarClock1.01- c 1992-93 by Michael Laurent / Volker Goerke
StartUp (NoFC)1.02- ?
Stat36.2- c 1994-95 by Robert Hardy
STEINBERG's Pro24A- c 1989-90 by Steinberg Soft- und Hardw. GmbH
StickIt2.00- c 1993-94 by Andy Dean
Storm C2.0- c 1995-96 HAAGE & PARTNER GmbH
Streckenplaner1.0- c 1993 by Stefan Ossowski's Schatztruhe GmbH
StripHTML1.1- c 1995 by Ronald Roemeling
Studio2.14b- c 1992-95 by Wolf Faust / Distribution arXon
Studio163.0- c 1991-94 by SunRize Industries
StylusTracer1.49- c 1989-1995 by Stylus. Inc. / Ross Cunniff
SuperDuper37.13- [v3.13] c 1992-94 by Sebastiano Vigna
SuperJAM!1.0c- c 1991-92 by The Blue Ribbon SoundWorks. Ltd.
SuperView6.2- c 1993-96 by
SwazInfo1.8b- c 1993-94 by David Swasbrook
Switch Window0.85 rev 2- ?
SYMPHONIE Pro2.4f rel9- c 1994-95 Patric Meng / RealTime Software
SysBoot0.4- c 1995 by Timo C. Nentwig
Sysihack0.6- c 1994 by Mr. BOOPSI
SysInfo3.24- c 1991-93 by Nic Wilson
SysPic4.00- c 1995-96 by Grzegorz Calkowski
SysSpeed1.3- c 1995-96 by Torsten Bach
System1.7- c 1995 by Stefan Le Breton
SystemPrefs3.8- c 1995-96 by Richard K�rber